Season 5 Ep. 5 | Reaching The Next Generation

70% of youth stop attending church after graduating from high school. Nearly a decade later, about half return to church. Half! Let that sink in. Do parents see the church as the link to discipleship, or do parents see the link to church as a partner in discipleship?

Season 5 Ep. 4 – Unwavering Commitment (Serve & Multiply)

Casting the vision: Guided by our unwavering commitment to follow Jesus, grow in faith, serve others, and multiply disciples, we envision a church where lives are transformed, communities are impacted, and God’s kingdom is advanced.

Season 5 | Ep. 3 – Unwavering Commitment (Follow & Grow)

Casting the vision: Guided by our unwavering commitment to follow Jesus, grow in faith, serve others, and multiply disciples, we envision a church where lives are transformed, communities are impacted, and God’s kingdom is advanced.

Season 5 Ep. 2 | Likes, Image, and Platform

We are living in a culture moment of likes, self-image, and platform. We praise people who endorse themselves and aspire to be “in the know” about everything. The At Home team discusses this moment in history and whether or not we will fall deeper into this narcissistic mindset or if self correction is around the corner.

@HOME Blog post

Season 4 Ep. 17 | Season Wrap Up

Tune in as Chris, Angie, Dustin, and Brant share their final thoughts on season 4 and what they are looking forward to as the summer months get closer. You’ll want to listen and find out which Olympic event each staff member wishes they could compete in! We’ll pick back up in the Fall for season 5!

Season 4 Ep. 15 | Mindset

We want to learn to grasp the mindset of joy, the attitude of gratitude which Paul exhibits and encourages the believers in Philippi to have. We don’t have to look far into his letter to find instructions on how to better set our minds on Christ. Paul quickly gets to the point in Philippians Chapter 2!

@HOME Blog Post

Season 4 Ep. 14 | The Role of Faith

Jesus often condemned the religious leaders who said they believed in God, but their lives didn’t show it. On the flipside, Jesus often commended those who did something with their faith. In this week’s conversation, we discuss that faith requires action.

Season 4 Ep. 13 | The Role of Surrender

We must develop a daily rhythm of choices that turn into patterns. We must be aware of our propensity to sin and focus on self. We must choose to put our faith in the Father who promises that when we serve Him and choose Him to lead our lives, our families are forever changed. When we surrender these things to God, the generations following us will be impacted for eternity.

@HOME Blog Post

Season 4 Ep. 11 | From Fear to Mission

Whether it’s physical fears, financial fears, relational fears, or an irrational fear, we have all experienced fear in some way, shape, or form. And we think that there are a couple of “fear factors” that especially trigger fear in our lives: what we didn’t expect and what we can’t control.

@HOME Blog Post

Season 4 Ep. 10 | Engaging our One

In a world quick to judge and slow to forgive, Matthew’s story is a beacon of hope. It teaches us that transformation is always possible and that everyone deserves a shot at redemption. So, next time you’re about to write someone off, remember Matthew, his tax booth, and the man who saw something in him that no one else did.

@HOME Blog Post

Season 4 Ep. 9 | Trust the Process | Jake Simons

We live in a world where we are continuously being conditioned to value convenience over commitment, quantity over quality, and instant success over hard work. We like fast. We like easy. We like instant. We like convenience. We live in a world today that wants it now or doesn’t want it at all. If there is a shortcut we will find it and take it every time.

@Home Blog Post | Shortcut or Second Mile

Season 4 Ep. 8 | Windshields and Rearview Mirrors

By consciously focusing on what lies ahead, releasing the burdens of the past, and embracing the opportunities of the future, we allow God to create a fulfilling and purposeful life journey. As you embark on this path, remember that the power to shape your destiny lies in your hands, and it starts by acknowledging where your at and fixing your gaze on what’s ahead!

@HOME Blog Post | Windshields and Rearview Mirrors

Season 4 Ep. 7 | Drivers & Passengers

Commit to being a “driver” instead of a “passenger” in 2024! Make it your goal to no longer make excuses or blame others when things go wrong. Instead, opt to have a positive mindset, choose courage to do hard things, and persist when mistakes happen along the way.

@HOME Blog Post

Season 4 Ep. 6 | The Process of Waiting

Rob and Kris Henschen join Chris and Angie in the studio to discuss the process of waiting for the Lord to move. Waiting on the Lord to work is an essential aspect of our faith journey. It requires patience, trust, and surrendering our own desires and plans to His perfect timing. While waiting can often feel frustrating and uncertain, it is in these moments that we have the opportunity to deepen our relationship with God and grow in our faith.

Season 4 Ep. 5 | Battles on the Home Front

Many of us are huge fans of athletics. However, this question needs to be asked: Are sports a fan of the family? There can be a lot of wins for families in the area of sports and athletics. On the other hand, some of the losses are significant and get us to question if it was even worth it. Let’s take a look at a few things that can help bring balance and perspective when it comes to the family.

@ Home BLOG: Battles of the Home Front

Season 4 Ep. 4 | Marriage

The foundation of a spiritually healthy home is a spiritually healthy marriage. As great as that might sound, why does that seem so hard to achieve in our culture today? What does it mean to have a spiritually healthy marriage? Is something like this even realistic? Join the conversation as Dustin, Chris, Angie, and Brant tackle these questions and more!

@Home BLOG: Marriage

Season 4 Ep. 3 | Mental Health

In today’s fast-paced and complex world, mental health has emerged as a critical subject of concern. It is not limited to individuals alone but deeply impacts families as well. Families play a fundamental role in maintaining and promoting mental well-being.

@HOME BLOG: Mental Health

Season 4 Ep. 2 | Putting Technology in its Place

Technology is literally everywhere. Our homes are infested with this stuff! Devices are in our pockets, on our wrists, attached to our walls, and some items have even made it into our showers! It’s a culture of convenience, isn’t it? It’s so easy to overindulge ourselves with the endless possibilities of making our lives easier. It’s hard! It’s the world we live in, so how do we navigate through that in a way that is disciplined and responsible? That’s what we’ll discuss on this episode of At Home The Podcast!

@HOME BLOG: Putting Technology in its place

Season 4 Ep. 1 | Family Matters

Everyone of us can agree that FAMILY MATTERS. Family was God’s idea that He created, designed and blessed for the purpose of multiplication and discipleship. This is storied throughout the Bible, and seen and modeled in both the church and the home.

Season 3 Ep. 14 | No Risk, No Reward

As you are “on your way” today, our team at Wakarusa Missionary Church wants to encourage you to make the most out of every opportunity you are given. We challenge you to be confident and vulnerable all at the same time! Why? Because Jesus commands that we share the truth, and sometimes that means sharing the messy parts of our own journey.

Season 3 Ep. 13 | My Basis for Risk

What is your basis for risk? The team at WakyMC describes trusting in Jesus Christ, having confidence to obey Jesus’ commands, and being the messenger of the Gospel message as key elements to our ability to risk.

Taking a risk for the sake of the Kingdom was not a suggestion. It’s what we are commanded to do! Take a step. Find the ONE in your life who doesn’t know Jesus, and show love and grace as you tell them about eternal life with the King of kings and Lord or lords!

Season 3 Ep. 12 | Why We Don’t Risk

The four main reasons Christians don’t risk everything for the sake of the kingdom:

  1. We don’t care about people who don’t know Jesus.
  2. It’s not a priority to us.
  3. We feel we are not competent enough to talk about our faith.
  4. We are afraid.

Join Chris, Angie, and Brant as they unpack this topic of RISK and why Christ followers are playing it safe in today’s world.

Season 3 Ep. 11 | Easter Series | The Way

Chris, Brant, and Tyler sit down to discuss Matthew 27 and all that went into Barabbas’ release and Jesus being sentenced to death by crucifixion. There are so many symbolic moments in this chapter that point back to the beginning of mankind and towards the future salvation we have in Christ!

Season 3 Ep. 10 | Easter Series | The Weight

Pastor Chris has just started a three week sermon series leading up to Easter Sunday. Week one of this series was titled “The Weight”. As we look back in scripture and consider the amount of pressure Jesus was under, (literally the weight of the world) we begin to understand the significance of Judas’ betrayal, the last supper, Peter’s denial, and Gethsemane. Tune in as Chris, Angie, and Brant have a discussion around “The Weight”!

Season 3 | Bonus Episode with Deanna Doctor

Chris and Angie sat down with a return guest, Deanna Doctor, Director of Counseling at Michiana Biblical Counseling Center. Deanna hits on the current state of marriages in the church and why prayer makes a difference. Take a listen as she provides praying “roles” of each spouse and practical ideas for your prayer time.

Season 3 Ep. 9 | The Wall (with Earl Smith)

Earl Smith joins the team at Wakarusa Missionary Church to recap his Sunday Sermon titled “The Wall”. Earl takes an instructional approach as he uses a wall to illustrate the sin that separates us from God. The good news is that Jesus took that sin to the cross and now we have the opportunity for complete restoration through confession and repentance!

Season 3 Ep. 8 | We Have A Waiting Problem

Ready. Set. Wait!

Dustin Eby joins the show to discuss the importance of waiting. In the midst of all chaos and our fleshly desire for convivence, Dustin paints a beautiful picture of what patience can look like in our lives. “Don’t waste the waiting.” That’s his challenge to listeners! Patience isn’t something that is developed overnight. It’s a process! Sometimes the only thing harder than trusting God’s timing is wishing that we would have.

Season 3 Ep. 7 | Rooted Series (Part Seven)

As the Rooted Series comes to an end, the team at WakyMC reminds listeners that Jesus will return someday! As Christ followers, we all know how magnificent Heaven will be, yet we deceive ourselves into thinking that this world and the things we want to accomplish are greater and worth holding onto. Our prayer, like the Apostle Peter, is that the body of Christ would make every effort to add to its faith goodness, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, mutual affection, and love as we wait in anticipation for our beloved Lord, Jesus Christ!

Season 3 | Bonus Episode with Eric Swann: Church Planting and Discipleship

Leaning on God and obeying Him in the midst of uncertainty is hard! Eric walks us through the process of planting a church. Furthermore, he vulnerably shares his personal journey of saying yes to God and walking by faith in a world of unknowns!

Season 3 Ep. 6 | Rooted Series (Part Six)

Don’t grow complacent in your walk with the Lord! 2 Peter 3 states that Jesus is patient in His return for our sake! Don’t grow weary; He is coming back! We have to live life with some urgency, and we have to be willing to go through the suffering and trials in order to stimulate our spiritual growth. When our day comes, and we are standing before our King, we’ll fully understand His mercy and grace! All that suffering and all of those trials will be well worth it. Press on, dear brothers and sisters.

Season 3 Ep. 5 | Rooted Series (Part Five)

Chris, Angie, and Brant challenge listeners to test the “truths” that are being sold to our world today. If the Bible is God’s word, and if we believe it to be our source of truth, then everything must be measured against the word of God! How should Christ followers test false doctrine, false claims, and false teachers? Join the At Home team as they share five ways to do just that!

Season 3 Ep. 4 | Rooted Series (Part Four)

What is truth? What are we using to measure this truth? Join us as we have a “coffee shop” discussion over biblical doctrine, indoctrination, and the importance of knowing why you believe what you believe!

(Sunday Sermon)

(Sunday Sermon Notes)

Season 3 Ep. 3 | Rooted Series (Part Three)

In a world that values so much of what’s next, Chris, Angie, and Brant speak to the importance of remembering what got us here in the first place. The Apostle Peter urges Christ followers to remember the message. Not only does he want them to remember it, he urges them to share the Good News and to leave a legacy which points others to Christ. If we as humans are so apt to forget, then we must circle back to the fundamentals and engage with the Word, pass on the promises, and leave a God honoring legacy.

Season 3 | Bonus Episode: Dawn Payne on Identity and the Next Generation

On this special bonus episode, we sit down with Dawn Payne to discuss our role in personal identity and the blueprint we create for the next generation. In this conversation, Dawn gives practical advice to parents and individuals on how we can reframe our mindset when putting labels on ourselves and others. Brant Nine, Executive Leader at WakyMC, also joins the conversation to provide relevant context in the areas of teaching, parenting, and self identification.

Season 3 Ep. 2 | Rooted Series (Part Two)

This week, Angie and Chris discuss week two of our Rooted sermon series. Just as we take supplements to maximize our physical health, the Apostle Peter calls followers of Jesus to supplement their faith with seven critical characteristics. All that and more on today’s episode.

Season 3 Ep. 1 | Rooted Series (Part One)

Chris Knight and Angie Brenneman return to the studio, launching Season 3 of the At Home with WakyMC podcast. Today they kick off the season with part one of a conversation surrounding our current sermon series entitled Rooted.

Season 2 Ep. 21 | Hosts With Hot Takes

On this episode, we wade into the waters of what’s rolling around in Chris, Joel, and Angie’s brains…scary stuff for sure! By the end of the conversation, there seems to be a common thread uniting their thoughts, which is an added bonus!

Season 2 Ep. 20 | WE>ME Pt. 3

E Pluribus Unum … Out of Many, One. This phrase is emblazoned upon our currency and has been used in a variety of ways throughout our nations history. With a reminder of unity in so many places, why do we see so little of it in practice today? What is the Church’s call when it comes to unity and how do we live it out in our current day?

Season 2 Ep. 19 | WE>ME pt. 2

It was once said, “The times, they are a changin’.'” In a time where we face uncertainty within our ever changing culture, the Church must look to the mission is was given by Jesus himself, a mission that hasn’t changed for over 2000 years! On this episode, Chris, Angie, and Joel discuss the importance of being a church that sticks together in the giving of our time, our talents, and our treasure.

Season 2: Ep. 16 | Discipleship in Youth Ministry

Dustin, Tyler, and Joel discuss some of the concepts found in youth ministry literature as it pertains to the importance of discipleship.  Whether you’re a parent of a young person or someone who cares about young people (hopefully that’s all of us), we hope you’ll listen!

Season 2: Ep. 15 | The Stages of Discipleship

One thing is for sure, giving our lives to Jesus doesn’t mean we instantly become a mature disciple of Jesus. On this episode, Joel, Angie, and Chris discuss the stages we all go through as disciples along with the challenges that often cause us to get stuck in a particular stage.

Season 2: Ep. 14 | What we mean when we talk about discipleship

Following last week’s Discipleshift Conference at WakyMC, Chris, Angie, and Joel sit down to discuss their takeaways from the conference and what they mean when they talk about and define biblical discipleship.


Season 2 Ep. 13: Jesus went to places of shame

This week Tyler, Angie, Chris, and Joel discuss the John 8:1-11 account of “The woman caught in adultery.”  Jesus’ example of not succumbing to the legalistic pressures of the Pharisees, but instead, dealing with the woman’s shame is helpful guide for each of us.  While we should never shy away from acknowledging sin, we must also be committed to the act of reconciliation just as Jesus was!

Season 2 Ep. 12: Jesus went to the crowds.

This week Joel, Tyler, and Chris discuss Jesus’ ministry to the crowds in Matthew chapter 9.  During his earthly ministry Jesus shows compassion to the large groups of people that he comes into contact with, while also calling his disciples to continue in his ministry example.  On this episode we consider this scripture’s implications for today’s disciple.

Bonus Episode: Dr. Jay and Beth Shetler on Conflict in Marriage

On this special bonus episode we sit down with Dr. Jay and Beth Shetler to discuss healthy ways to approach conflict in a marriage. In this conversation Jay and Beth explain how our differences as individuals are often the cause of many conflicts, and yet our differences are also a gift that we bring to our marital relationships!

Season 2 Ep. 11: Jesus went to the outsider

On this episode we walk through the encounter Jesus has with Zacchaeus in Luke 19:1-10. In this story we find Jesus being intentional with a religious outsider while also hearing the sharp criticisms from the religious crowd.

Season 2 Ep. 10: Jesus went to the desert

On this episode Angie, Joel, and Chris begin a new series entitled “Jesus Went.”  Over the next few weeks leading up to Easter we will explore the many places Jesus went, whether that was to sacred places, or to certain people groups.  In part one of this series we look at how Jesus went to the desert to be tempted by the devil and what was accomplished in the midst of his temptation.

Season 2 Ep. 8: “How Not To Raise a Proverbs 22:6 Kid”

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” This verse from Proverbs 22:6 (NKJV), as it’s commonly recited, can be a real challenge for parents trying to raise children that follow Jesus faithfully into adulthood.  Our discussion on this episode discusses a helpful and nuanced approach to the meaning and application of this biblical wisdom.

Season 2 Ep. 6: “Misquoted”

“For I know the plans I have for you…” Jeremiah 29:11 is a favorite verse for wall hangings and bumper stickers alike.  And while many of us have applied this to our own lives as yet another personalized motivational word from the Lord, a more contextual reading helps us see the big picture!

Season 2 Ep. 5: “Misquoted”

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged.” (Matt. 7:1 NIV). These words of Jesus are often quoted by someone who is being confronted, and in that confrontation they feel “judged”.  We often hear the sentiment that Christians are not supposed to make judgements about others because, well….Jesus said so!  This week we take a deeper looking into the context and meaning of this verse and ask the question, “What is Jesus actually talking about?”

Bonus Episode: Deanna Doctor on Biblical Parenting

We are very excited to share a special bonus episode featuring Deanna Doctor! Deanna serves  as the director of counseling at Michiana Biblical Counseling Center in Osceola, Indiana.  We discuss the differences between Child-Centered, Parent-Centered, and Christ-Centered parenting along with recommendations for helpful resources.

Season 2 Ep. 4: “Misquoted”

“Where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”  These words from Matthew 18:20 (NIV) are often used during corporate prayer or worship services to encourage those who are gathering together, but if we take a deeper look, these words of Jesus have a very different intent!

Season 2 Ep. 2: “Misquoted”

“Behold, I stand at the door and knock…”.  These words of Jesus found in Revelation 3:20 are often used in an evangelistic setting, geared toward the person who does not yet have a relationship with Jesus.  Upon closer review the powerful words are targeted at a different group of people who are being called to respond to Christ’s invitation!

Season 2 Ep. 1: “Misquoted”

Joel, Chris, and Angie dive into a conversation about the frequently misused Scripture of Philippians 4:13.  While often quoted by winning athletes during their postgame interview, further reflection on the meaning of this text can be helpful to understand its true meaning!

Episode #14: The Peace of Christ with Toby and Sharon Yoder

Following a life changing cancer diagnosis, Sharon experienced a new level of peace in the midst of an uncertain future. It is because of this peace, that Toby and Sharon walk confidently in faith and continue to point others to the Jesus that sustains them.

Episode #12: A Story of God’s Redeeming Love with Ruth Sheaffer

On this special Advent episode, we hear from our friend Ruth Sheaffer who experienced the restoration of her marriage after being separated from her husband for seven years! Ultimately it was the love of Christ demonstrated to both Ruth and her husband Mike that rekindled their love for each other!

Episode #11: Albert, Haley, and Evelyn – A Story of Hope

On this episode, we talk with our friends Albert and Haley Gongwer. Earlier this year these first-time parents found themselves in desperate need of hope when their unborn daughter Evelyn was diagnosed with a serious medical condition. What they learned about the hope that Jesus offers in the midst of so much uncertainty serves as a powerful reminder to us all!

Episode #10: Abortion and the Church with Serena Dyksen

On this episode we hear from abortion recovery advocate Serena Dyksen as she shares her story of redemption and recovery following her own abortion. Serena also offers a challenge to followers of Jesus to take on the responsibility of serving those who are considering abortion or may have already aborted their child.

You can learn more about Serena’s ministry by visiting

Sunday Session #8: Biblical Forgiveness with David Hills

On this Sunday Session we hear from David Hills, Executive Director at Michiana Biblical Counseling Center.  His talk calls us to consider why we offer forgiveness in the first place and why we need to be diligent in asking for forgiveness. This is a needed discussion for anyone who desires to submit themselves to the call of Jesus!

Episode #7: A Discussion on Sexual Sin with Steve Etner

On this episode we talk with Steve Etner, founder and president of The PureMan Ministry.  Steve’s honest and biblically grounded conversation around the topic of overcoming sexual sin is helpful for both men and women, no matter their experience with this topic.

Sunday Session #7: Battling Sexual Sin – Steve Etner

On this week’s Sunday Session we hear from founder and president of The Pure Man ministry, Steve Etner. Steve offers a hopeful and biblically grounded approach to battling sexual sin that goes beyond simply, “trying harder” or merely managing our sin. As Steve points out, we must go to the actual source of our struggle and invite Jesus in to do what only He can do.

Episode #6: A Conversation About Technology with Derry Prenkert

On this episode of At Home with WakyMC, we talk with Derry Prenkert about the call before us as followers of Jesus when it comes to our engagement with technology.  Derry’s redemptive and practically minded vision sharing is a must-listen for any of us trying to be discerning in a digital age!

Sunday Session #6: Being Wise With Technology – Derry Prenkert

On this Sunday Session, youth ministry veteran, speaker, and coach Derry Prenkert lays out a helpful framework for followers of Jesus when navigating the use of technology within our homes. Derry invites listeners to consider a redemptive, discipleship-centered approach that neither embraces or rejects all aspects of technology, but instead integrates biblical wisdom into our decisions.

Episode #5: Addiction with Andy Collins

On this episode we talk with Andy Collins, the Executive Director of Adult and Teen Challenge of Northern Indiana.  Following a powerful journey of overcoming addiction himself, Andy desires to see the transforming power of Jesus bring healing and hope to those battling addiction and their families.  This conversation includes key insights on how we can faithfully and responsibly respond to addiction.

Sunday Session #5: Addiction with Andy Collins

This week’s Sunday Session welcomes our good friend Andy Collins as he talks about the many battles we face when taking on addiction.  Wether you are personally struggling with addiction or you are trying to better understand how to walk along side someone facing addiction, this session is designed to bring a Jesus-centered perspective to the conversation.

Episode #4: A Discussion About Grief with Andy and Julie Lehman

Joel and Angie sit down with guests Andy and Julie Lehman to discuss the many different ways   we all process grief.  Following the loss of their daughter, Andy and Julie have walked along side many families who are looking to better understand grief and find hope in the midst of their pain.

Sunday Session #4: Andy and Julie Lehman – A Discussion About Grief

For this Sunday Session, Andy and Julie Lehman join us for a discussion about the many facets of experiencing grief.  They share their story, which includes the loss of their 4th child, but also invite us to think about they many ways each of us might experience grief on a regular basis.  This session offers practical help for both those experiencing grief and those walking along side the grieving.

Episode #3: Anxiety and Depression with Menessah Mullet

Menessah joins us again to discuss the practical implications of bringing the truth of God’s Word into a conversation about anxiety and depression.  We also take time to discuss and answer four key questions that were submitted by our listening audience!

For further resources related to this episode please visit:

Sunday Session #3: Anxiety and Depression with Menessah Mullet

This week we have Menessah with us again for part two of our discussion around the topic of anxiety and depression.  Menessah shares several helpful questions that help us reflect on our view of God and the kind of relationship He desires to have with each one of us!

Bonus Episode: Guest Speaker Kelli Rasler

On this special bonus episode of At Home the Podcast, we listen in on a recent message from Kelli Rasler given to the “Mothers of Tots to Teens” group that meets here at WakyMC on a weekly basis.  We hope that Kelli’s story will both challenge you and call you to a deeper relationship with Jesus!

Episode #2: Anxiety & Depression with Menessah Mullett

On this episode we’re joined by Menessah Mullet (LPC, LMHC-T), a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, as we discuss the topics of anxiety and depression.  This discussion follows our #2 Sunday Session, and addresses a few questions that were submitted by those in attendance.

Sunday Session #2: Anxiety & Depression with Menessah Mullett

Menessah Mullet is a licensed mental health counselor and owner of Essential Grace Services where she provides counseling services to families and youth.  She has over 20 years of mental health experiences where she has developed a method of counseling that integrates the use of art and faith.

In this Sunday Session, Menessah along with Chris and Angie discuss how to identify anxiety and depression in our daily lives and what we can do as Christians to respond.

Sunday Session #1: Health & Wellness with Crystal Weatherton

In this session, Crystal Weatherton talks to us about the intersection between physical and spiritual health.

Crystal Weatherton is a wellness visionary, coach and consultant, helping people partner with God to upgrade their overall health. She blends science and psychology within a Biblical framework to equip and empower people to heal and gain freedom from the inside out so that they can thrive

Episode #1: Health & Wellness with Crystal Weatherton

In this episode of At Home, Joel, Angie, and Chris talk with guest Crystal Weatherton about the intersection between physical and spiritual health.

Crystal Weatherton is a wellness visionary, coach, and consultant, helping people partner with God to upgrade their overall health. She blends science and psychology within a Biblical framework to equip and empower people to heal and gain freedom from the inside out so that they can thrive.